Post Your Desktop "Background screenshot"

mostly just reminding u to register if you wanna continue using but you can use it forever, the thing is though if you find it useful you should buy it so they can continue making the product better.
i put up a new wall on mine. its still OSXP skin

Heres my wallpaper, I don't have a shot of my desktop and not being at home it's kinda hard to get one but this is good enough :)
this is my old comp...which i plan to fix up although i have no idea wats wrong with it....
400Mhz AMD K6-2
80Mb ram
2Gb hd/1Gb backup
Ati rage 2
creative labs sound blaster
memorex cd-rw
toshiba cd
heres my newest one. im using two diff. walls with this theme. this one, and the other one is some penguins and an igloo that looks like they're made of clay and rendered in 3ds max; its pretty sweet. anyhoo, heres wat it is currently. (incase u havnt realized it already, i change up my desktop ALOT)
