Post Your Desktop "Background screenshot"

lol yeah iv changed it all now i just got use to it like that lol no need for so many apps on dock now that iv got use to using quicksilver
My Update :)

Here's mine. Windows XP Home and some other theme (the default themes were annoying me). Normally, I quit explorer and only use Safari when I am on the internet, but today I decided to use Firefox. For another screenshot of the interface, look at .

It is complete with a black Mac OS X cursor.
just installed AlienGUIse. thought it was a pretty cool thing and had some cool themes.

does it slow the comp down in any way?
very nice pic... my brother loves cars and that is one nice car!!!!

where do you get the pics from???

im glad you like it
that is the HSV coupe 60.
i got that image from the HSV web site, they have heaps of miltimedia and images for your computer.

you can get other images from
the desktop isnt as great as some you've had, but its pretty tranquil.

I don't know, I took the picture, so thats got to count for something :p I'm searching for something different though...a new original wallpaper. And I need an update on the theme. Should keep me busy for a while... :)