Post your geekbench

El Gappo

New Member
This is quite an interesting benchmark. You guys should give it a go ;) Ill stick up a leaderboard if you're interested ;) Download

My scores
Settings I used in that cpu-z but I ran at about 4.88 I think. Excuse the purple I'm on my mummies rig lol

The bench includes single threaded tests, multi core tests and a lot of latency and bandwith. Hard to find the perfect settings but it's rewarding when you get it right. If anyone beats my score on a non i7 I will eat my AMD hat rofl. :good: Have fun!
Heres mine,Although with power saving enabled is not showing the correct values on Gpuz...specs in sig.


Geekbench detects my os as 32Bit and my ram at 800mhz?,Yet it sees my q6600 is at 3.5Ghz...WTF :D
could that affect score?

Gappo yours is running circles around mine lol.
Just wait until my DICE pot arrives, my intel dual core is gonna own your Phenom II quad :D

But for now, here's my air cooling bench-


^ I dunno why it says L3 cache none but 4mb of L2 LOL. Makes no sense!
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Yeah,Ive not realy tried better timings or anything...all i know is my ram wont overclock past around 960mhz even at the highest voltage.

Not too bothred though to be honest,My OC is stable and everything performs nice so im happy :)
If you guys upload it to the site you can make an account and save your benchies :) You can see where it's performing weakly etc like 87tnda will be absolutely raping the bandwidth and multithreaded parts whereas Nevakonaza will be killing the latency part and single threaded ;)

It is a bit iffy on specs, I used sever 2008 which shows no system specs and shows the os as windows nt lol. But benchmarks remain the same.
Yeah I noticed, got multi and single muddled up in my last post. Impressive clocks and rams :good: Ran my cpu at the same frequency with 1800 6-6-5-18-24 on the ram :D Took a lot more cooling than that little clarky :)

Did you submit to geekbench? Have a compare with mine and see where you are lacking. Mine came out at like 8K before I started fine tuning. Will need the compare links for the leader board aswell.
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Thanks. I'm sure it did LOL, the clarkdale doesn't make too much heat until you get it over 1.50 Vcore. With that 4.87ghz and 1.575 Vcore, it idles in the 50's and gets in the 80's when loaded on the TRUE. Thats still not bad, considering even the I7 860 would peg the 99c TJmax in about 20 seconds at 4.4ghz 1.475 Vcore.

No I didn't submit, guess I will redo it and do that. Running the bench a couple times even at the same settings makes a difference. First time I go 79xx, than ran it again and got like a hundred more points no changes LOL.

When I get my Dice pot, I'll run mine at 5.4ghz for a direct comparison then....the best intel dual core VS Phenom II quad :D I got one from Bartx, takes awhile to get here from poland but should be worth the wait.

BTW, just curious but can you run your CPU at 4.9ghz for a better comparison right now? I'm just curious.
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Wow. I need to buy some new 'puters. :eek:

My lappy:



My desktop server:



Oh well. I'll get some money coming in soon. Too bad my old HP lappy w/ AMD Turion X2 had to bite the dust.


I went from this


to this


over night.

Oh well. Poor me, right? :p
Very nice scores so far guys :) Sure funkysnair is going to pull something real nice in the next few days :D

I was as maxed out as possible on that run 87tdna, wasn't a mhz anywhere left to be squeezed. Purely limited to ram frequency on my board and nb frequency by the chip. Could do with a stronger cpu tbh but as long as my core 1 holds up it'll keep up there with the best of them ;)
I'm also having some severe voltage fluctuation issues when pushing over 1.55 through a quad core which limits me to 4.88 in these multithreaded apps but I've got a voltmod planed soon that should fix the issue.
Well 4.88 is OK, I was running 4.87 so it's better. What kind of score can you get with the 4.88 then?
Well the one in the op is my 4.88ish score. Cant remember exactly but it's clock to that.

Phenom II 955 under phase
gigabyte 790xt-ud4p
5770 X1
An assortment of ram, different kits for diff benchies.

Geekybench http://browse.geekbe...ch2/view/224156

3dmark 03 57664 http://img9.imagesha...203/5766403.jpg

3dmark 05 30377 http://img225.images...ramo5winzor.jpg
check my ram frequency :D

super pi 13.391

Wprime 7.453

Some of the other benches from forum wars ;) Got a major pifast time as well while I was in xp

Getting a dice pot myself soon, want to give dice a try before I order the ln2 ;D Probably wont top the ss by much but should be interesting. BartX is shit hot m8, love his work. Nice and cheap and they perform well :good:
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