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With christmas only 2 weeks away my parents keep asking me what I want. I have been looking at a PSP because they look really good and I have wanted one before. I would get the Base Pack for £135 from
I would also probably get a 1Gb scandisk memory card because the base pack doesnt come with one. I would also get this because its cheap and looks useful. I am only going to get 2 games for christmas because the are expensive but I will buy another one and a film with money I get. I was looking at Medal of Honour and Need for Speed. What do you guys think about this. Do you think this is a good idea or would you change something. It has to be under £250 and it would be a lot better to be under £210
There a few things to keep in mind while buying a PSP...... Be prepared to spend LOTS of money...... The games cost the same as PS2 games and the movies are $20 a piece (don't know what that comes out to in euros/pounds.....), you're probably gonna buy a memory card too which is like $50 if you're lucky and then the 'official' media center software is another $20......

But, if Sony pulls through, it's going to be all worth it because they're making an official PSOne emulator for the PSP........ They already have an internet browser, you can play TiVo recordings on it, if you got the equipment, you can watch TV too...... They got a bunch of cool little features and have really nice updates with even more new features................
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The entertainment pack is nice (don't know if they offer it over in the UK) because it comes with a 1GB card and is $50 USD more than the base unit, plus ATV: Offroad and the movie Lords of Dogtown. As for the games, Medal of Honor is great! I have it and love it. Loco Roco is also excellent, it's a kid's game but is still a ton of fun. The price of the games are also $40 USD regular and they drop much faster and go on sale more than the standard PS2 games ($50 standard USD), so they'll actually a little more economical. Another alternative game would be Ace Combat X, my buddy has it and absolutely loves it... As for Need for Speed, I haven't played it or known anyone who has, so I can't speak for that game...
The entertainment pack is nice (don't know if they offer it over in the UK) because it comes with a 1GB card and is $50 USD more than the base unit, plus ATV: Offroad and the movie Lords of Dogtown.

yeah that thing is great, thats what I got when I bought my psp, even though it doesnt come with a case, I bought a screen cover for $10

NFS is okay, but I personally do not like racers that much
Yeah, that's true it doesn't come with some of the basics, but I got a gamer's case/pack that came with a screen cleaning dongle, car charger and some other stuff on sale for $15, much better bargain. Plus I found the battery handles at BestBuy on clearance for $12! :D

yeah my screen protector came with a screen cleaner

but i got the soft case that comes with the value pack, the headphones, and the remote for $10 also a bargain
Thanks for all the info. I am probably going to get one with Medal of honour and another game. I have a few questions though.
I heard that it can connect to the internet through wi-fi. I know that it has a web browser. Is the web browser like a normal one like firefox or is it one like on mobile phones?
Also since it can connect to the internet can you play online games on it? Like play online sort of like xbox live and the ps2 one?
Does it have like region locking or whatever its called. So if i live in europe I can only play games from here? Becuase my uncle goes to the US a lot and the games seem cheaper there.
I might sell some of my ps2 games to get money for psp games if I get one. They look really cool. :D
The internet browser is the PSP internet bowser...... (I hope that makes sense.....) It's its own browser I guess..... I highly doubt you can play any games on it because it's really slow and has its 'limitations'.
Thanks for all the info. I am probably going to get one with Medal of honour and another game. I have a few questions though.
I heard that it can connect to the internet through wi-fi. I know that it has a web browser. Is the web browser like a normal one like firefox or is it one like on mobile phones?
Also since it can connect to the internet can you play online games on it? Like play online sort of like xbox live and the ps2 one?
Does it have like region locking or whatever its called. So if i live in europe I can only play games from here? Becuase my uncle goes to the US a lot and the games seem cheaper there.
I might sell some of my ps2 games to get money for psp games if I get one. They look really cool. :D

The web browser is much more capable than a phone browser, It almost acts like a PC browser. Some PSP games support online play, which is like the PS2 online play. There is also no region locking, I have a Japanese PSP and I play US games just fine. Movies, however, are region locked. I've only played Need for Speed underground rivals, and its pretty good. Basically if you like Need for speed on the computer or xbox or whatever, then you'll like it on the PSP(they are very similar).
The wireless/online games run in two different modes, and certain games will run on or the other and some will run both. The modes are Ad-Hoc (for PSP to PSP play, kinda like a DS) and Infrastructure mode which allows for on-line play with more than one other PSP (Medal of Honor supports at least Infrastructure mode, may also support Ad-Hoc, but I don't remember at the moment...)
Sorry, if I caused a misunderstanding..... What I meant was that you can play online through the games but the internet browser is too slow to play flash games and what not.........
Ah ok sorry if I worded it confusingly. Thanks thats all my questions answered and Im gonna get a psp for christmas
Thanks Guys
Ive got one, and at that price, you cant realy go wrong, (having paid £190 for a base pack).

On the other hand, the Wii is out there now, and I have just put my order in.

Nah im really looking for something portable. It was between the DS and psp and I thought the psp looked better. The wii looks really cool with that wireless motion sensor thing. I think my brother wants one but not sure if he will get it.
Yeah, go for the PSP if you want portability. I hope my wii comes soon, as I have it on order, and still waiting for stock to come in :(

Well since this topic has ended with a decision made, I suppose it won't hurt to comment off topic. So I'll mention that the DS Lite that I bought a few months back is really starting to pay off since the release of Final Fantasy III. I love that game.
the psp is the best portable gaming system, and it also plays movies and such... definitely a good choice if you ask me.

the nintendo DS has more childrens games, though it does have a few like madden 07 that one might be interested in...
Man, I LOVE Socom 2 for the PSP, it's my favorite game for it. Also, GTA: VCS was pretty fun too, those are the 2 I'd get, but that might just be me... I'd DEFFINITLY reccomend Socom 2 if you have Wifi, I don't really play the story mode much, but before my PSP got bricked, I'd play it ALL the time. The internet is on all PSPs FW 2.00 and above, it can play some games, but it doesn't have much memory so some bigger games it won't play.