Sharing an external hard drive with other users in the house


New Member
Hi there,
I am wanting to create a space where my family can store and share things such as photos, documents etc.

What I would like to do is have an external hard drive that can be accessed by anyone's PC or laptop.

How would I do this? I am new to networking, but was thinking if I could plug the hard drive into something wit ha USB port (strange example, but a TV) or another laptop - would that work? If so, would that device with the hard drive in have to be powered on all the time for users to access it?

Any suggestions would be great, thanks!
Plug device into a computer
Make a Windows share for the connected drive
Navigate to the windows share from another computer
Thanks all. I have ordered an Ethernet adapter to plug into the router which I can then plug the hard drive into (if that is all correct?)!

Thanks for your help! Will see how I get on :)
Ok, so I know have the adapter plugged into the router with the drive plugged into it. What would be the next step to set it up as a shared drive?
Ok, so I know have the adapter plugged into the router with the drive plugged into it. What would be the next step to set it up as a shared drive?
What adapter did you buy? Normally unless you have a USB port on the router you need to buy a network enabled external HDD like John said, or share it off a PC.
I've never seen something like that. Do you see the device getting an IP Address on your network? Even if you did there isn't really a way to control sharing of the drive since your router doesn't natively support plugging in a drive to act like a NAS like some ASUS routers do.