Slower than crap

I reformatted that Dell, it is slower than before, after a chipset driver update, setting all drives to DMA mode. CCleaner fails to install and I am at a loss for words. I am getting ready to get pissed off and just build a PC. My dad is blaming it on me b/c it takes forever, my PC runs swift through the web and message apps, he doesn't think I know what I am doing. He asked why I messed with it, I told him I was trying to make it faster for him, and he says I made it 100 times slower. It is 100 times slower, how was I supposed to know that it would react like that? Is there anything I could do to help this?

This is the piece of junk's first reformat.

You have been having a hard time with this thing. Are you sure you did a clean install. If so did it install without any errors or like take forever to install? If you got a clean install without any errors and updated all the drivers, chipset-video-sound and so on and its still acting that way I would say theres a hardware problem somewhere
did you do virus check up? i heard and experience that even after a format, worms and viruses don't go away.
This may or may not help, but I to have been having issues with my POS Dell and a few months ago I had a similar issue. I could not DL anything I would get errors, everytime I went to Defrag I would a whole bunch files that could not be moved and my PC was running extremely slow. I reformatted and that did nothing, I kept getting the same errors. It turned out to be the HD was crapping out on me, so I replaced the terrible Maxtor Drive that the PC came with and it all was good. Is this the same drive that came with the PC?
The drives that comes with packaged PCs are NOT the best but they aren't the worse either, it shouldn't cause much of a lag. Why don't you try the older drivers then, see if its the drivers that are lagging the computer.
Try Darik's Boot and Nuke to obliterate the old data off the HDD, I used it on my old eMachines and my grandparents old eMachines and it worked a treat.
You have been having a hard time with this thing. Are you sure you did a clean install. If so did it install without any errors or like take forever to install? If you got a clean install without any errors and updated all the drivers, chipset-video-sound and so on and its still acting that way I would say theres a hardware problem somewhere

It took 24hr's to reformat and install Windows:eek: When I did the reformat, I deleted all partitions.

This may or may not help, but I to have been having issues with my POS Dell and a few months ago I had a similar issue. I could not DL anything I would get errors, everytime I went to Defrag I would a whole bunch files that could not be moved and my PC was running extremely slow. I reformatted and that did nothing, I kept getting the same errors. It turned out to be the HD was crapping out on me, so I replaced the terrible Maxtor Drive that the PC came with and it all was good. Is this the same drive that came with the PC?

I can't even install CCleaner or Yahoo Msg'er, the CD-ROM drive isn't working but, the (Samsung)CD-RW is. It said I didn't need to defrag, it does sound a lot like the HD to me, the light doesn't flicker that much. On mine the light flickers every time I expect it to, Opening and Closing Windows, Games, etc. I really don't know, if I have to go as far as replacing the HD, I am just going to build a new computer and get that jinxed POS out of my house.

The drives that comes with packaged PCs are NOT the best but they aren't the worse either, it shouldn't cause much of a lag. Why don't you try the older drivers then, see if its the drivers that are lagging the computer.

It is a WD, every drive company has their failures. Older drivers? Dell didn't send any with the thing, all I have is the 'monitor' drivers. Who in the h*** uses 'monitor' drivers? Why don't they just come out and say it? Intel GMA 950 Graphics Drivers or Video Drivers, for example:rolleyes: I downloaded the drivers off of Dell's website and they are all that they have.

I have some old 20Gb IDE drives laying around here, should I try one? If Dell's Tech Support didn't charge, I would call them and chew them out, what is it worth paying someone who has screwed you over?

Thanks guys
Scratch that last post, I am using the boot and nuke now. I really think my hard drive is shot, the light is barely flickering and it is being erased, strange? If I have to replace the HDD, I think I might get a PCI SATA controller and use a SATA HDD, if it would be that much faster, what do you guys think?
Scratch that last post, I am using the boot and nuke now. I really think my hard drive is shot, the light is barely flickering and it is being erased, strange? If I have to replace the HDD, I think I might get a PCI SATA controller and use a SATA HDD, if it would be that much faster, what do you guys think?

Go for it, for the peace of mind.:)
Make sure you get a SATA2 PCI card. Hard drives are really cheap these day anyway, get at the very least a 500GB one. :D
at the very least huh? lol if you go with a good ol' 250GB thats plenty of space unless your a hardcore gamer who never deleted old games... anyways how did the nuke thing work out?
Make sure you get a SATA2 PCI card. Hard drives are really cheap these day anyway, get at the very least a 500GB one. :D

I'm not even wanting to spend the money on the SATA card, I am really thinking about putting another HDD in for the time-being and building another PC. I wouldn't put a 500Gb in that thing, I am not investing that in a such a POS.

at the very least huh? lol if you go with a good ol' 250GB thats plenty of space unless your a hardcore gamer who never deleted old games... anyways how did the nuke thing work out?

I have a good ol' 250Gb on mine and it is used for some network storage, it is plenty. The nuke thing is still working out. Do you guys think the HDD light should flash pretty strongly? It is just flashing softly every 5 seconds or so, diagnostic tip?

The thing is you can take out the 500GB hard drive if you decide to upgrade, I just think that the best valued hard drives are the 500GB ones at the moment.