Smooth Wall


New Member
I have a pop-up blocker on our school computer network called Smooth Wall. It basically bans us from everything imaginable for stupid ass reasons. I was wondering if anyone knew how I could get around this blocker? If anyone needs any specs or additional info. just ask me. Thanx.



VIP Member
There are reasons why you are not allowed to bypass these types of firewalls, there may be some trouble involved if you got caught... You SHOULD try to do some research on something called CGIProxy, it is EXACTLY what you are looking for.

Have fun...


New Member
ok well i did some research and it sounds like it relates to my problem. the only problem is idk how to get it on these computers b/c it blocks the link sites. also IDC IF I GET CAUGHT LOL... actually i probly wont b/c im stealthy with it lol


New Member

That only works if it's not already blocked. Ultimaely I say give it up. If you get caught bypassing proxies and firewalls you could end up getting in serious trouble. For what? Checking the page of that cute girl who messenged you to join her webcam with the incredibly small photo of which you can't even make out a single facial feature? Not worth it.
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