Tutorial: How to make and register a website online

Like what? A blog? You can either get a .com domain or yourdomain.wordpress.com which are your only options if you want any hits.
is there any way to get a free .com or .org domain name

I don't think you can, most of the websites that say that they provide free domain name requires you to buy a hosting plan first...

You will either get the ones I gave you earlier or a subdomain like whatyouwant.hostingplan.com ...

I used to pay 12$ a year for my domain name, it's not that much.
After you have finished and tested your website, you will now need to buy a hosting deal and a domain name.

Host: the host is the company that will host your website online, meaning you will use their space to put your website online. There are different kinds of hosting such as Dedicated Hosting (you get a server for you only, which gives you better bandwidth but costs more) or Shared Hosting ( you get space on a server where other people also have space on it, it will cost less but the bandwidth will be limited).
Domain name: The domain is the URL address of your website. Let's take a website for example google videos:
www.google.com/video. The italic part is called "domain name". The "/video" is a subdomain. If you are used to FTP, it is a folder inside the website's FTP.

You can choose between two options:
  • Buy a hosting deal and a domain name separately
  • Buy a package deal

Whatever is your choice, you will need to look for the best price and also know how much space you will need. Are you planning to host Videos, images or MP3? Go for more space and Bandwidth. Are you planing on just making a small website? Go for less space and less bandwidth.

Connecting a domain name and a host:
If you bought a host and a domain name separately, you'll either have to enter the address of your website to redirect it or to enter the DNS address. To enter the DNS address, ask your hosting company for the address if you don't have it already and enter it in your domain name panel under "DNS". You sould have two addresses to enter.
To see if it worked, enter your domain name in the URL and see if it goes to your website.

The "/video" is not a subdomain, it is a file on the domain. A subdomain is "video.google.com"
Cool (old!) guide.

Any chance on adding some DNS content like free DNS hosting (like http://dns.he.net ) or management and types of records for A, CNAME, MX, etc? If you roll your own domain then a lot of people get caught up in the DNS aspect. :p
If you're looking for a good host I would check out www.webhostingtalk.com They have reviews and can answer questions.

Also, I would buy the domain from namesilo or namecheap prior to getting a host. Make sure you privatize the domain otherwise your name, address and E-mail will show up in WHOIS.

Wordpress needs to be secured and never download plugins form rouge places. http://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress

Use a captcha in Wordpress. https://wordpress.org/plugins/sweetcaptcha-revolutionary-free-captcha-service/

I used to use Filezilla, but I changed to WinSCP and it will worn you if you drag and drop and copy/paste unlike Filezilla. You can nuke a site if you accidentally move a file to the wrong place and don't know what you moved.
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If you're talking about the captcha before acessing your blog, that's the most annoying thing I've ever seen on a website and makes want to stay away from your blog. I don't think that's the kind of message you want to send if you're making a website for the public...


Agent, not to be rude but I feel like you take security too seriously even if it is a subject that needs to be covered. I could care less if my name/address is published because I'm about to get a PO Box, but that's just me.
LOL That's Cloudflare! I forgot about that. I blocked France and other counties and you have to enter a captcha. Once you enter it you have an hour then you have to enter it again.

I think I'll disable France now and hope I don't see my logs fill up with spam attempts. I have another captcha before you can place a comment. Have a look.

Edit- France allowed.
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LOL That's Cloudflare! I forgot about that. I blocked France and other counties and you have to enter a captcha. Once you enter it you have an hour then you have to enter it again.

I think I'll disable France now and hope I don't see my logs fill up with spam attempts. I have another captcha before you can place a comment. Have a look.

Edit- France allowed.

I do understand that you want to secure some connections from a few countries but France?
And still, as long as the only thing that's changing is your logs, why would you care about spams? You have to be careful with security on websites if you want them to attract views. Too much security will ruin the user's experience on your blog. That's actually a point I could have made on my tutorial when I made it.

By the way, if anyone wants to rewrite it, make it better, add something, please let me know I will add it (and your name along with it).
Well, it was a block meant more for my forum which is on the same domain as my blog. I had a hack attempt and it was most likely a zombie bot computer in France.

You write pretty good English for being a Frenche. Better than some Americans I've seen on forums which is pretty sad really. I'm not saying my English is good though. In fact it's my weakest. I actually took two years of French in school and sadly I don't remember a damn thing except me mordre. LOL "Garcon, garcon! Me mordre!" LOL!

Like to learn a language though. Did you have to take English in school? My uncle's nephew (not related but by marriage) is from Egypt and they had to take English in school.

Anyway... Bonne journée.
Well, it was a block meant more for my forum which is on the same domain as my blog. I had a hack attempt and it was most likely a zombie bot computer in France.

You write pretty good English for being a Frenche. Better than some Americans I've seen on forums which is pretty sad really. I'm not saying my English is good though. In fact it's my weakest. I actually took two years of French in school and sadly I don't remember a damn thing except me mordre. LOL "Garcon, garcon! Me mordre!" LOL!

Like to learn a language though. Did you have to take English in school? My uncle's nephew (not related but by marriage) is from Egypt and they had to take English in school.

Anyway... Bonne journée.

I don't really understand that logic, so if you get an attack from the US you'll block the US too?

I spent four years in the USA, came back seven or eight years ago in France. My English was better before though, I'm starting to struggle finding my words now :/

"Me mordre"? What did you try to say? :)
I don't really understand that logic, so if you get an attack from the US you'll block the US too?

I am not expecting to many Frenchies to look at my blog or forum so I threw them under the bus so to speak. LOL! But don't feel bad I have blocked at least 15 other countries and about 7 permanently using a combination of .htaccess and a script I run.

"Me mordre"? What did you try to say? :)

Bite me? I couldn't remember how to spell it so I used Google translator, but I thought it was something like Bore Moi? Bore being misspelled it was the sound of bore I think. Been years!
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I am not expecting to many Frenchies to look at my blog or forum so I threw them under the bus so to speak. LOL! But don't feel bad I have blocked at least 15 other countries and about 7 permanently using a combination of .htaccess and a script I run.

Your paranoia is what's keeping people out of your website. I still don't get why anyone would have that much filters... It's like you like to say you have all of that and that when in the end it works against your website. Unless your blog is only for you to see, not the public...

Bite me is an English expression, you can't translate literally a language to another. It only works on some exceptions.
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Your paranoia is what's keeping people out of your website. I still don't get why anyone would have that much filters... It's like you like to say you have all of that and that when in the end it works against your website. Unless our blog is only for you to see, not the public...

Can you not see my blog and not post??? If so I'd like to hear about that. I have a few members on my forum too. No trouble.

Bite me is an English expression, you can't translate literally a language to another. It only works on some exceptions.

When I was in French class many moons ago a student asked how to say bite me and she did say something like that, but said the translation of which I don't remember fully. Just use the french word bite and me which would be moi, wouldn't it? I'm sure if I said it to someone in france they would either laugh, wonder what I said or understand I was mocking them. LOL!
Can you not see my blog and not post??? If so I'd like to hear about that. I have a few members on my forum too. No trouble.

When I was in French class many moons ago a student asked how to say bite me and she did say something like that, but said the translation of which I don't remember fully. Just use the french word bite and me which would be moi, wouldn't it? I'm sure if I said it to someone in france they would either laugh, wonder what I said or understand I was mocking them. LOL!

I'll tell you what, I went on your website twice. Once the captcha didn't work so i gave up after five tries. I would never have come back if it wasn't a member on CF who I wanted to check out his blog.

As far as the expression in French that would be "mords moi" but that doesn't make any sense. You can't translate everything literally like I said before. We would say "va te faire" which literally means "go do yourself".