Vista X32 to X64 upgrade?


VIP Member
I have a computer with Home Premium 32bit, I was just wondering if the product key will work in a 64bit version? If not, I will need to purchase a 64 bit disc, so will there be any discount or anything since I'm just upgrading from 32 to 64 bit?
Nice double post! The disc is $10 from microsoft for the upgrade! If the OS you have right now came with the pc (OEM) then microsoft says you can upgrade to 64bit but you have to get it through your manufacture of your pc.
Wait until you need to reinstall Windows at some point for some reason without a full install disk. I've been hearing nothing but complaints on inplace upgrades. The option for dual booting would be another thought in case you decide later you want to revert back to the 32bit edition.
Nice double post! The disc is $10 from microsoft for the upgrade! If the OS you have right now came with the pc (OEM) then microsoft says you can upgrade to 64bit but you have to get it through your manufacture of your pc.

Thanks, like I needed the reminder. I think thats the first time I've double posted(2 threads) in the nearly 4 years I've been here. Thanks for the link, $10 ain't bad at all.
Your best option for changing editions will still be a full fresh install over any Anytime inplace upgrade by way of downloading. Eventually MS will be dumping the 32bit platform while the present still sees a market full of 32bit games and apps if you look close enough. The software companies will then have to play catch up.
What was seen just prior to Vista's release was the automatic upgrade option seen with a disk included on prebuilds where you could go for an inplace upgrade by download using the extra disk that came with a system. That disk was tied to the one machine using the original factory installation's product key without fuss.

For ordering a disk separately you would have to expect a separate number for that. When MS says go through the company being one of the prebuilders the product key would likely be the same since you would be receiving a custom made branded disk bound to that one machine for that one purpose only.

With a prebuild you have already prepaid the fee for using the MS software namely Windows. The low cost for a disk still being able to use the original product key saves the time of seeing a dealer replace XP with Vista or Vista 32 with Vista 64. What others are talking about elsewhere probably has to do with something else. :rolleyes: