website software


Well-Known Member
Is there any very simple software i can use to create a web site. It was more for family and friends. All the activity that will be going on for the year or next year. I don't want complicated. its not like this site or professional. i have webspace on comcast i can use. its about bear, moose hunting and fishing. Family cruises and 4th of july events with maps, when and where. If its free thats a bonus. If i pay i don't have a problem with. I don't want complicated.
I bought some proggy years ago i think hot metal pro with a manual as big as a telephone book. that didn't happen.
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New Member
Well, plenty of options. Dreamweaver by Adobe, Frontpage from Microsoft. Also, Microsoft Word can make some pretty awful webpages.


Frontpage is a thing of the past. Now it's ExpressionWeb, which is fantastic. That's what I use.

Another really good one, and free to boot, is nVu.


New Member
If are new to web designing and you want to do with easy way for building a site i suggest you better use some free web templates that are already build. you just need you change the contact in that.


New Member
I've made an almost-fully functioning website with just a text editor. I did DTDs and XML with it too. Also wrote all my scripts the same way.

yeah, imo text editors are still the best way to do it, then you can use CSS, javascript, XML etc... easier. with dreamweaver and the likes it puts everything into HTML and it makes a very slow/unstable webpage.