What are you currently playing?

Oh hey what's that......



"In the Dark"


"Gonna Be One Looooooooong Night"
I played Forza 4 for a little bit again the other day with a friend. Was quite good fun! Hadn't played it in months.
This isn't a game, but it's the FaceWorks demo from Nvidia. The technology behind this thing is amazingly realistic and the day when computer-generated faces are indistinguishable from real human faces is not far off I can assure you. It's pretty laggy on my GTX 460 though lol


This isn't a game, but it's the FaceWorks demo from Nvidia. The technology behind this thing is amazingly realistic and the day when computer-generated faces are indistinguishable from real human faces is not far off I can assure you. It's pretty laggy on my GTX 460 though lol



Now THAT'S a real game! :D
Maybe new Half-Life will be so realistic...considering how much they are working on the new engine lol...
That would be so freaking awesome!!!
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Hehe a little behind there :p

What are you doing with it? Also what platform?

On PC through origin (with a gamepad). Yeah but it was 20 euros and since I couldn't care less about getting the latest team changes, I decided to go for a third of the latest FIFA :)
That is fair enough, I did not get 14 because I do not want to pay for a near identical game to the last. I've got 13 on my PS3, which came free with the one that I got my parents last year but I claimed :p
That is fair enough, I did not get 14 because I do not want to pay for a near identical game to the last. I've got 13 on my PS3, which came free with the one that I got my parents last year but I claimed :p

I don't know if we can play together... I don't even understand really the different sections of the main menu lol. I only play season right now :D.

I'm not even sure I can play 1vs1 using two gamepads (me against a friend) on my computer. Don't know where I could do that :D
There is no cross platform so we can't, and yes you can play with multiple people on your one PC, I believe it is the same as the consoles so up to 6 (or 8?) people at once
Still occasionally playing Infestation here,The hackers are strong lately. :mad:

Spawned in, ran into town..hit a guy 3x in the back with a Desert Eagle STI and he 360s and head shots me instant kill.

Second time i spawn in another server i run into town (It was night time) and from inside a house i spot 3 guys together,they all start looking my way and come over..looking exactly where i was every time even though they couldn't see me as i was hidden,ESP was obvious. :mad:

Hope people like this don't ruin Dayz Standalone when its out. :eek:
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Picked up the Xbox One last night. So far I am playing Call of Duty: Ghosts and Ryse: Son of Rome. COD is what you would expect of that franchise, but Ryse has completely blown me away. I am in love. I even contemplated calling in from work today so I could get some serious play time in.