What brand 8800GTS to buy?. So many choises and close to same price?


im helping a friend who want to but a 8800GTS.. he wants to use tiger direct but there is like 4 or more diffrent brands all withing a $20 range. some are "superclocked" some look better than others.. how do I know what one to recomend?

I would go with whatever is cheapest and has good reviews, if they do have overclocked versions, I would only buy it if they are reasonably priced.
I have the EVGA 8800GTS, I put one in my friends bday build, another friend has the EVGA GTX. We all are very happy and the cards rock. Both my GTS and my friends OC like mad. His would do 680/1000 and I haven't hit the limit on mine yet.... I'm at 660/980 :D