What Java do I need installed to use pingtest.net?


Active Member
Hi everyone. I am trying to use pingtest.net but it says:

"Pingtest.net requires Java for packet loss testing, but it does not appear to be installed in your browser."

But I have no idea what I need to install. I already have the most recent JRE installed. What else is there? Is it a browser-specific plugin or something?

I have tried the site with both Chrome and Firefox and they both have this message.

I have Java 8 Update 60. I just installed it a few minutes ago.

Also, I probably should have posted this in the General Software forum. Sorry about that! A moderator can move it if they feel it would be more appropriate there (or elsewhere).
Sounds like you have an issue somewhere. Look at your addons in each browser to make sure java is enabled.
Sounds like you have an issue somewhere. Look at your addons in each browser to make sure java is enabled.

None of my add-ons are Java related that I know of. None of them would disable Java either.

For Firefox, which I usually don't even use, I don't even think I have add-ons.
I searched the Google Web Store for Java, but I didn't see anything. What is the plug in called? Is it made by Oracle?
Still getting this problem on Chrome, Firefox, and IE. I have the latest version of Java installed but I have no idea what it takes to get it to work in the browser. None of the speed test sites that use Java for the packet loss test are working.
I don't see any kinds of Java add-ons. Where do I find them? Is this something I download separately?
When you open the browser it should ask you if you want to enable the Java plugin. You need to accept and enable.
See the following images for what the addons look like in firefox. Top one is before java installation, bottom one is after java installation.

If you don't see java listed, you must use firefox to download java and install it even though you already have it installed. Once installed, close firefox and reopen it. Look at your list of addons and java should be listed. Unfortunately with chrome, they no longer support NPAPI for java. You may need to use a different browser. Look here. https://java.com/en/download/faq/chrome.xmlfirefox before java.jpg firefox After java.jpg
Thank you. I installed it with Chrome, so maybe that's part of the problem.

If I uninstall it and reinstall with Firefox, will it still work normally? I never use Firefox except to try this.
You don't have to uninstall it. You just have to install it using the browser you plan on using it with. It will just install over the top of existing but will give you the addon in firefox.