What makes a pc better than a mac?


New Member
So what is it that makes it better to buy a pc over a mac? compare the two. are you able to give me some specifics?
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this is one of the biggest arguments ever. lol

i like pc better cause its less expensive. with a mac you have to use their parts and they dont give rights to third partys and they charge you crazy amounts for new parts. pc however there is many different third parties out there making parts for pc's. its one of the reasons i like pc better. but im not going to say anymore cause i dont want people to yell at me :p
There isn't really alot of bad you can say about the mac and windows debate because for all those reasons that PC is better than mac, the mac has boot camp, for running windows on a mac.
It's a preference as well.... And it also depends on what you want to do.... What would you like to do on your computer (Assuming that you're looking into buying a new computer)?
Different reasons. mac has three, Warm, Fuzzy and what just happen. PC has three, Tranquility, Rage and Anger.
i love these discussions... truth is when a mac is out of date you have to replace it but when a pc goes out of date you can replace parts (in most cases hard drive and ram) and it is a lie when they say that macs never get viruses because they do they are about the same except that you can upgrade a pc but you cannot upgrade a mac oh but macs are in some cases more stable making them bettor for photo and video editing (as long as you are willing to pay over $1000 for a computer)
I have never used a Mac of my own but I tried a few before and this is my biggest beef with it.


2.66GHz Intel Core i5
4GB memory
1TB hard drive
8x double-layer SuperDrive
ATI Radeon HD 4850 graphics with 512MB

$1,898.00 Free Shipping (wow fantastic deal)

I built the same system for $1,400 that includes Windows 7 and I chose higher priced items just to be fair if Apple actually has any quality control. This includes everything on the list + after market cooler for overclocking.

I am not going to say anymore cause i dont want people to yell at me

You never said anything though :p
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You know what I love best? When people say, "I'm gonna get a Mac because no viruses!" I'm pretty sure I've had a PC for my whole life and I've never gotten a virus. If people were smart about what they download and what they "view" on the "internet" they wouldn't have problems. Besides, there's far more that you can do with a PC that you can't do with a MAC. :p
They have different target markets.

Mac uses all high end components and the best manufacturing design and assembly techniques. Most users don't need a Mac. Most users that use Mac's
probably don't need a Mac.

PC's are more mainstream, and there's affordable ranges of components for everyone.
You know what I love best? When people say, "I'm gonna get a Mac because no viruses!" I'm pretty sure I've had a PC for my whole life and I've never gotten a virus. If people were smart about what they download and what they "view" on the "internet" they wouldn't have problems. Besides, there's far more that you can do with a PC that you can't do with a MAC. :p

there is viruses for mac, just less of them. apparently when ilife09 came out the torrent versions were packed full of viruses(or virii, not sure about correct word usage) and guess what, no antivirus for mac at the time. so ppl were screwed if they downloaded it. the reason there is less viruses for mac is because mac are only like %5 of the computers in the world.
I have never used a Mac of my own but I tried a few before and this is my biggest beef with it.


2.66GHz Intel Core i5
4GB memory
1TB hard drive
8x double-layer SuperDrive
ATI Radeon HD 4850 graphics with 512MB

$1,898.00 Free Shipping (wow fantastic deal)

I built the same system for $1,400 that includes Windows 7 and I chose higher priced items just to be fair if Apple actually has any quality control. This includes everything on the list + after market cooler for overclocking.

Did you include a 27" IPS Screen (practically a 30" due to its resolution--same width but just a bit less height because of the aspect ratio)?
its not so the os that bothers me, its the people that use macs. they are such arrogant artsy fartsy and think they are sooo cool because they are not using a "normal" pc, they are using a mac. what a bunch of morons. just like people that drive range rovers. those people think they don't drive a "normal" car, they drive a range rover. they are sooo cool...at least that's how it is in los angeles. the worst place on the planet...
So what is it that makes it better to buy a pc over a mac?


Mac is a monopoly.. It's not better than a PC, no way, it's just propaganda by Mac people. There is no monopoly in PC, so you get the best technology for the buck bang.

Mac is a monopoly.. It's not better than a PC, no way, it's just propaganda by Mac people. There is no monopoly in PC, so you get the best technology for the buck bang.

You understand that the OS and software is what separates a PC from a Mac. The majority of PCs run Windows, so how does Microsoft not have a monopoly? Yes, there are Linux alternatives, but very few machines ship with, say, Ubuntu, so wouldn't you say that M$ has a solid monopoly as well? Now it's true that you cannot really build a Mac, and that you do have a variety of hardware options, if you build it yourself, with a PC, but that doesn't change the fact that, if you want full functionality, you would have to run a Windows OS.
If you want to be fair and compare a Mac to a PC, that you custom build you must include all specs. We won't count the OS at this point either, but here is a quick comparison:

The latest iMac:
# 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
# 4GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x2GB
# 1TB Serial ATA Drive
# ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB
# 8x double-layer SuperDrive
# Built in ABGN Wireless (broadcom chip)
# Built in iSight Web Cam
# Built in Bluetooth 2.0 EDR
# Built in FW 800 ports
# 27inch TFT LED back lit screen with IPS support

* Not really a feature, but the Mac computers are all rated as "Green Technology"

Price: $1,999.00

Someone want to build a PC spec for spec (including the 27" display) on a PC to compare prices? I don't frequent Newegg.com every day so it would take me some time to find all the good prices.

Also mind you that the motherboard in that iMac is pretty top notch. For example, the CPU (all cores) have a direct bus to the memory, ie there is no memory controller slowing down the process. Now some of this new technology ties into OS 10.6 and their Grand Central Station technology, but that is something that I will keep out of the comparison at the moment.

So, any newegg wizards want to build a desktop that compares spec to spec?

Mac is a monopoly.. It's not better than a PC, no way, it's just propaganda by Mac people. There is no monopoly in PC, so you get the best technology for the buck bang.

What is a buck bang? I kind of want to look it up on urban dictionary but part of me tells me I don't want to know.....

Apple is not a Monopoly, they are a different business model. Is Sun a Monopoly? They build high end desktops that run their OS, Solaris. Even though Sun systems can run different flavors of Unix/Linux but then again so can a Mac and a Mac can run Windows.

In fact, Apple is in direct competition with Microsoft and the PC manufacturers, so how is this exactly a monopoly. I think you need to redefine what that word means in your vocab.
I accidentally posted in a mac vs. pc thread. :mad: :p

In fact, Apple is in direct competition with Microsoft and the PC manufacturers, so how is this exactly a monopoly. I think you need to redefine what that word means in your vocab.

that's right.
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