What would You do without computers!!?!?!?!

Better grades was the first thing to come to mind when I saw the thread title... and I think I'd be going places with friends more often
Eh I'd have WAY more $$ so I'd travel even more. I'd be in better shape. I'd have more friends (well I already have a ton). I'd get outside more. Geee.... hmmm so if I just got rid of my computer stuff I'd be:

Better looking (in better shape)
Tan (being outsite)
Have more $$$ (no new computers)
Travel more.... (from not buying computers)
More women.... (be broke and depressed and gain wait over them lol and not travel from being depressed)

Good bye all! :p :D :p

Or I'm just going to keep my computer. Lol.
it would be like loosin a best friend 2 me...

not like im on the computer all day every day, im on it most of the time, if no 1 calls me 2 chill, then im on here..
I would probably have even more shoes and handbag's as i have now.. XD i gues i would do a bit more sports...
my grades at school are not bad,. so no need to improve those ^^
oh yes.. and ofcourse.. I wouldnt get a job after my study.. since PLC programming etc is hardly possible without pc's.. =o ( well... I guess i would get into Megatronic's and Generators etc then )
I realized that when it happened once and the city was blackedout for about 3-4 hours
I really have nothing to do without my computer
Well, I wouldn't have a job, but I'm sure I'd survive. You know you're truly lame when you picture life being over without a computer. I'd find a job doing something else. And then I'd come home and miss my free porn. :p