Whats happening in DX10.1?


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Staff member
i read in a post here about Nvidia will be realeasing a gddr5 dx10.1 cards sometime in 2009.

my question is whats with this DX10.1?
how much diffrent will it be from DX10? is DX10.1 an DX update in software or something extra the new DX10.1 cards will be able to do that the current DX10 cant?
I'm not sure, i played the ATI DX10.1 demo a while back, the graphics are slick. With two 3870's i got like 30fps @1280x720 / no AA.. :p

Here are the pics, took a while to find them on my photo bucket :(



It only had one res to pick from.

I'd like to see what future DX10.1 games will bring, or if its all just another marketing scheme.
From what I've heard your current DX10 graphics card will work fine but I'm not positive ont hat.
From what I've heard your current DX10 graphics card will work fine but I'm not positive ont hat.
DX10 video cards such as the ATI 2xxx series and nVidia 8/9 series only support DX10, not DX10.1.

You can use those cards on games that run DX10.1, it just won't support the new features.