Which is more important when buying a monitor?


New Member
Hi,What is more important in a monitor that will be used for gaming, response time(ms) or refresh rate(Hz)

Also is there much difference between a 60Hz or 75Hz

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, thanks :D


VIP Member
Refresh rate and response time are both important. Typically i would take a 75hz lcd monitor with a 5ms rate over a 60hz lcd with a 2ms rate, as long as the resolution and size of the screen were the same.


New Member
The refresh time for a monitor is rated in hertz. The more the better; in theory. However, the human eyes don't notice much of a difference between those two numbers.

I would say response time would be more important for gaming, but that's just my opinion.


New Member
like what everyone else said for gaming repose time is better.

But with refresh rate, even though we don't notice the difference between 60Hz and 75Hz I think its easier on our eyes with higher refresh rates.


VIP Member
^ yeah that's true. I can't stand watching videos or playing games at 60hz, it hurts your eyes after a while. 75hz is easier on your eyes.