Why are there so few 4GB gpus


Well for now I am about to buy a simple 1GB Radeon HD7770. I have a small resolution monitor at the moment and I am not looking to buy any high end hardware at the moment.

I was just wondering about available GPUs out there.


New Member
I know... PPL tend to think that but the HD 7770 is far more future proof (it is over a year newer) it is more quiet, consumes much less energy and is a little cheaper.

slower =/= more futureproof. a 2 gen old 480 which consumes more power than any other card i know of and is the hottest card out there os way more futureproof than a 7770 because it is way stronger, age and power usage have no bearing on futureproof, the power of the card however does. The energy savings will amount to a dollar or 2 a month and the noise diff is only 3.5 db at the most.