windows 7


New Member
Can anyone tell me what windows 7 is like?
I used to prefer my old xp to vista, & here in Australia every ugrade or new computer cost a fortune. eg microsoft office word cost me $295.
Windows 7 is not too bad..Way better than Vista,I still think Xp is better but its outdated now and we have to move on :)

Whats your system specs though?
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Windows 7 is not too bad..Way better than Vista,I still think Xp is better but its outdated now and we have to move on :)

Whats your system specs though?

I'm not really that familiar with technical specs, can only say it's suppossed to be 64 bit dual core, toshiba desktop, I had brought it only a couple of months before windows 7 came out, didn't know at time was on the way as hadn't had a computer for a couple of years, sigh.

So windows 7 is better than vista? Not suprised as I have been very disapointed with vista.:(

Are you also saying if I can get hold of a second hand computer with xp, that won't work anymore?
I'm not really that familiar with technical specs, can only say it's suppossed to be 64 bit dual core, toshiba desktop, I had brought it only a couple of months before windows 7 came out, didn't know at time was on the way as hadn't had a computer for a couple of years, sigh.

So windows 7 is better than vista? Not suprised as I have been very disapointed with vista.:(

Are you also saying if I can get hold of a second hand computer with xp, that won't work anymore?

IMO, and nearly everyone else's, yes, 7 is better than Vista. It actually consumes less system resources, shares similar "aero" aesthetics (pretty, translucent windows) 7 should run fine on your desktop. The minimum/recommended specs are here:

he wasn't saying that XP won't work, it's just that MS are slowly ending support for XP (I think the only one with support left is SP3)
IMO, and nearly everyone else's, yes, 7 is better than Vista. It actually consumes less system resources, shares similar "aero" aesthetics (pretty, translucent windows) 7 should run fine on your desktop. The minimum/recommended specs are here:

he wasn't saying that XP won't work, it's just that MS are slowly ending support for XP (I think the only one with support left is SP3)

Thanks, sorry about being a bit illeterate with things. :eek:
vista was pretty much a flop, windows 7 is a good OS but if i had XP i wouldn't bother upgrading for any material cost
vista was pretty much a flop, windows 7 is a good OS but if i had XP i wouldn't bother upgrading for any material cost

THE ONLY REASON VISTA FLOPPED was because it asked for everything, do you want to do this??

win 7 enterprise is my current OS as it is on the der computer.
IMO, and nearly everyone else's, yes, 7 is better than Vista. It actually consumes less system resources, shares similar "aero" aesthetics (pretty, translucent windows) 7 should run fine on your desktop. The minimum/recommended specs are here:

he wasn't saying that XP won't work, it's just that MS are slowly ending support for XP (I think the only one with support left is SP3)

I got Windows 7 to run on a 800 MHz CPU with 384 MB RAM :D...But it runs more comfortable with 512 MB. With your dual-core laptop, 7 should run like a breeze.
Yeah, apparently if you have a mind to you can run 7 on a lot of things-I have found that 7 is slow after being installed, which threw me off when I installed it on my desktop, because I thought, "oh no, another Vista". Turns out, the OS was indexing and other things to make itself faster. It calmed down considerably after a day or two, after it went through my 90 GB worth of pure files :D
THE ONLY REASON VISTA FLOPPED was because it asked for everything, do you want to do this??
It flopped for many reasons:
it lacked performance
seriously seriously lacked compatibility
the user interface, for all it aero hype was fragmented and felt horrible
and it got a LOT of very effective bad marketing from some very shrewd fruit based rivals ;) I'm fact the I'm a Mac campaign was huge...hence the retaliation campaign my MS
It flopped for many reasons:
it lacked performance
seriously seriously lacked compatibility
the user interface, for all it aero hype was fragmented and felt horrible
and it got a LOT of very effective bad marketing from some very shrewd fruit based rivals ;) I'm fact the I'm a Mac campaign was huge...hence the retaliation campaign my MS

Agreed, vista was a crazy resource hog.
I think I'll just sit with vista for the time being, & then I'll probably go get a new computer with windows 7, unknowingly to me that a new thing is on the way & just think I got a real good special, as happened with this computer.


where is the signature?
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What i like to do after a fresh install is go into msconfig and disable indexing and shadow copying and all that nonsense before it slows your system down. I don't need a search to find my files.

It's not that hard if you keep everything structured and organized.

And I'm OCD about how windows settings must be :p
Can anyone tell me what windows 7 is like?
I used to prefer my old xp to vista, & here in Australia every ugrade or new computer cost a fortune. eg microsoft office word cost me $295.

heyyyy ur a auzzie.. lol.. 7 is better than vista by far i like it but i still feel like xp was better
What i like to do after a fresh install is go into msconfig and disable indexing and shadow copying and all that nonsense before it slows your system down. I don't need a search to find my files.

It's not that hard if you keep everything structured and organized.

And I'm OCD about how windows settings must be :p
Me too! You never know what the heck Windows is sending to MS....:D
Windows 7 is better then Vista but I was still not impressed. I started to use 7 back when it was in beta form all the way to its release when I bought a laptop that came with it. It has a few new features but to me it looked/operated like they tooks windows xp and vista and slammed them together and said here is a new OS.

I will give windows the benifit of the doubt that in a few years when they release the 128 bit OS (which no one will need that technology by then) that they claim to be working on that it might be impressive. I mean after all they have to be the first this time since it must have confused them how free linux Os where offering a 64 bit OS a year before them before XP.

I didn't have to change any setting in Ubuntu, naturally ran fast from the moment of install to present day.
It flopped for many reasons:
it lacked performance
seriously seriously lacked compatibility
the user interface, for all it aero hype was fragmented and felt horrible
and it got a LOT of very effective bad marketing from some very shrewd fruit based rivals ;) I'm fact the I'm a Mac campaign was huge...hence the retaliation campaign my MS

I remember that ad.

"im a mac"
"im a pc"
yada yada.

great campaign. no wonder microsoft retaliated. its like coles and woolies...

hi im coles
hi im woolies
i have cheap products
blah blah blah