Windows blocks the entire internet network of other PCs and devices


New Member

I'm here to ask you for help. In our broadcaster we have various PCs and servers running 24 hours a day. In the last few days, always at the usual times (00: 00/01: 00 - 08: 00/09: 00 - 13: 00/13: 30 approximately) our network it reaches a ping of 400 and the download drops from 100 to 10.
Today at 13 when the problem arose, we disconnected the computers and servers a little at a time, managing to identify the problem.
The problem is a broadcast computer, the most important computer, currently now the computer is clogging the whole network. From activity manager we are noticing that the "System" is causing the problem.

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix?
I leave some Screen.

PS: By disconnecting the ethernet cable, or restarting the pc, all the parameters return ok, and reconnecting the ethernet cable the problem does not arise, but affects the usual times

Sorry for my English, but I don't speak well


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What are you broadcasting, and what does your WAN circuit look like? I would only assume congestion.
What are you broadcasting, and what does your WAN circuit look like? I would only assume congestion.
We have a television broadcast playout, we are an Italian television. Our network has a main modem, where the WAN then connects to another modem, where all the devices are then connected