wow, look at technology


VIP Member
Wow so i was looking at micro SD cards for my phone ( It can hold 2 GB (atm my device can hold 32 so i take it they will eventualy support that) but it can have 4,611,686,018,427,387,904 so 4 quintillion 1's and 0's (i just compleatly made that up) to me i cant even imaging how small you would have to print that to fit that in something the size of that chip.

just wow
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New Member
Well, when you think about it that way, it is pretty complex..
but consider the human body

consisting of an average of 10 trillion individual cells, which runs itself, cleans itself, removes waste, etc.
there are also many, many, many different kinds of cells (brain cells, sex cells, eye cells, skin cells, etc)

i find that much more amazing.