destroying laptop


New Member
my laptop is about 6 months old but it is slow now and it always shows error windows.....i think i deleted some of the programs that it runs its system on, and i might have a few viruses too......anywho it would be easier for me to just get a new one, i have an accidental coverage where the company will replace the computer if an accident happens......what accident would assure that i get a brand new laptop in stead of them repairing?......... im thinking maybe spilling a bunch of water on it or maybe dropping it like 20 times.......please let me know the best way
well dont drop it haha they will notice cracks and stuff.. short it out somehow:) turn it on and stick a metal fork in it :D:D:D but tape it for utube:D

p.s. make sure u stand on a metal or wet surface:D:D
WAIT! SLOW DOWN! just reinstall your os on it after you reformat the hard drive. then it will be good as new.
ill try reformatting...... if it doesnt work imma smash this stupid thing, then throw it in the pool, then stick a fork in it to make sure its done
ill try reformatting...... if it doesnt work imma smash this stupid thing, then throw it in the pool, then stick a fork in it to make sure its done

YAY!!!:D:D best way to do it is plug er in turn er on and jump in with it:D make sure ur parents post it on here for you:p
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Nooo! Poor laptop =( Macs are great these days! Especially with the new Core 2 Duo in em'

If you do trash your laptop send it off to me =)