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  • beers
    beers reacted to Couriant's post in the thread Touch pad not working with Like Like.
    Assuming Windows 10 or 11 here: Some laptops have the ability to turn off the touchpad. Some will have one of the Function (Fn) keys...
  • beers
    beers replied to the thread LAPTOP KEYBOARD.
    It's a pretty standard feature. Usually gaming laptops will be centered around the GPU.
  • B
    BruceY replied to the thread Led fan help.
    I have about 5 extra fans and didn’t want any more. And I could use these on my computer. Or my 3d motorized projects. Also I can see...
  • voyagerfan99
    voyagerfan99 replied to the thread Led fan help.
    Why didn't you just order fans and a controller? Why are you wasting time and money doing this?
  • D
    They both seem to run fine. I just couldn't imagine why they would visually be different.
  • A
    Question is,how do they play???
  • B
    BruceY replied to the thread Led fan help.
    Ok. Yesterday afternoon the crumper and 6pin 2mm spacing connectors arrived. This morning I’m practicing/learning how to crimp. Biggest...
  • HeTiCu13
    HeTiCu13 replied to the thread download SPEED limiting.
    Thanks. This discussion has convinced me to stop playing games with cell phone companies and go back to xFinity broadband. EOD
  • beers
    beers replied to the thread download SPEED limiting.
    It's not officially a 'limit' if you still have connectivity, they will still 'deprioritize' or reduce your throughput. You could...
  • D
    That's dust. I'm referring to how the disc on the left looks like a more solid color change while the one on the right is more...
  • B
    BruceY replied to the thread Led fan help.
    I just ordered the crumper connector combo kit just few mins ago. Should be here tomorrow.
  • HeTiCu13
    HeTiCu13 replied to the thread download SPEED limiting.
    Huh. I must be not getting this whole subject. Let me see if I can explain better. I just joined T-Mobile, because they said, and I...
  • HeTiCu13
    Hello. I think I've gotten spoiled by how easy it is to google a question or a phrase and get a plethora of appropriate answers, or...
  • D
    What do you mean clean? Both discs are verbatim from same pack.
  • D
    It's a Dell computer. It was whatever burner they had.