Tech Related Domain Name?


Active Member
I'm trying to figure out a good domain name for a computer related website.

The website involve desktops, laptops, peripherals and software. I have tried many different names but haven't come up with anything good.

Someone suggested that I do "compusomething" or "somethingpc" or "pcsomething"

Does anyone have any ideas? I can't find anything catchy like "" that hasn't been taken.

Any ideas would be helpful,

Thankyou :)


New Member
I'm trying to figure out a good domain name for a computer related website.

The website involve desktops, laptops, peripherals and software.

computops ?

By the way the word: "involve", does that mean sales; tech; info; reviews; support; hmm the list could be endless when it comes to computers


New Member
Both are taken :(

I sort of like technicality, even though it's meaning isn't at all tech related, its quite catchy :) But it's taken. I'm only really looking for .com domains, but even the .net and .org have been taken.

guidestech and techplace have also been taken.


hmm. lol

Stuff like so?