formula that acesses data from another sheet


New Member
If I have data in one sheet how can I display the number in a different sheet.
Example, a sheet thats named data to display on another sheet named chart.
a formula like =SUM(L6:O6) would I assume go in the destination sheet.

thanks for any help


New Member
I read in the help that I am to put an = in the destination cell and go to the source sheet and highlight the data to calc. When I do this it gives a formula of =data!L6:N6. But it calculates to 100 when it should be 200.

One issue is merged cells the first cell to add is over L and M. While the 2nd is
over N and O. How do I get around this issue?

I also tried =data!(SUM(L6:N6)) since I want to add the numbers.
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New Member
If i'm correct, you don't want to add any numbers, just show one number in more than one cells, so if you eddit C3 in the data sheet it would change in the chart sheet.

Select E5 in chart and go