Radeon 7970 vs GTX 770


New Member
Hey guys, I'm undecided to which graphics card I should buy. Either the Radeon 7970 or the GeForce GTX 770. I have heard that both have their pro's and both have their con's. What would you guys recommend, because I can't decide which to go for. (Oh and I plan to buy a 700W modular power supply)
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Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
I like nVidia for the PhysX myself and their drivers are a bit better than AMD. However nVidia is more expensive and AMD is a little cheaper.


Active Member
They're both going to get the job done, so to speak, so I would go with which ever one you can get the best deal on.


Staff member
^ This. Both are great cards though given the choice between the two, right now I'd take the GTX 770.

Though if you can get a good deal on the 7970 (or the 770), don't hesitate. Go for it.


New Member
Thanks for your help guys, and also, is the NVIDIA GTX770 4GB Gigabyte worth the extra money? For an extra $45 I can get the 4GB gtx 770, is it worth it?


Staff member
If you plan to upgrade to a massive monitor in the future or game across several different monitors, then yes. Otherwise, stick with the regular 2GB or 3GB or however much 770s have.


New Member
Sweet, thanks for all your help guys ^.^ I think I'll go with the GTX 770, as they have a deal on with Splinter Cell Blacklist :p But thanks for all of your help.


Well-Known Member
I would always go for the highest VRAM available as when you come 2 years down the track and games benefit from it, you can simply drop in a second card and boom, you're done.