3D CAD software


New Member
I've got a few projects lined up at the moment, and I have been looking at getting some 3D CAD software to help me design various mechanical parts I'm going to make.

So far I've always used the pen and paper option, but now I want to try my hand at some CAD. There is so much to choose from, so I would really like some advice.

-What is/are the best CAD software out there?
-What CAD software have you used before and would recommend?

I'm using WinXPproSP2 if it makes a difference.

Thanks :thumbsup:
ProEngineer is one of the best, my personal favorite, and very common in industry. SolidWorks is also quite common and I know many people who like it. The only problem though is these program are quite pricy. You might be able to find student versions for your needs. But that would still cost over $200 easily.
Thanks, I have been scouring the net for ages and found loads of good looking packages - Notably 'Alibre Design Xpress 3D Solid Modeler' - but as you say they are unbelievably expensive, and you have to fill out all your personal details even to download the free versions, which I don't like doing. The free versions also seem to be very limited.

I'm going to check out the ones you mentioned though, and see what else I can find too. Thanks for your reply.
I would recommend Autodesk but I'm sure you don't want to spend $4000-$7000 USD

Try using SketchUp, I have use both AutoCAD/AutoDesk and SketchUp and they are both really good programs but SketchUp is free
I would recommend Autodesk but I'm sure you don't want to spend $4000-$7000 USD

Try using SketchUp, I have use both AutoCAD/AutoDesk and SketchUp and they are both really good programs but SketchUp is free

sketch up is so frustrating lol I spent hours on a project only to find out it didn't look a thing like what it was supposed to cuz of an optical illusion:mad:

get something that lets you model in multiple 2d perspectives (ie right side view top view) then it compiles them into an isometric view:)
sketch up is so frustrating lol I spent hours on a project only to find out it didn't look a thing like what it was supposed to cuz of an optical illusion:mad:

get something that lets you model in multiple 2d perspectives (ie right side view top view) then it compiles them into an isometric view:)

Yes I realize that SketchUp isn't anywhere near as good as an AutoDesk product but it's free

I always check every 5 min. for SketchUp's mistakes
In my engineering classes, we use Solidworks. It is a simple and amazing program designed for what you are trying to do. It works similarily to sketch up but has much more functionality. You design something, then it will automatically creat isometric and side views in a autocad format.

By the way, autoCAD for the most part is not 3d, and what little is 3d is nothing like solidworks or the others. IT is not made for 3d modeling. Autodesk 3d modeling program is called inventor. I've not used it but i hear it is pretty amazing. There are a couple of other autodesk programs for 3d modeling, but i think inventor is what you are looking for.

If you are serious about what you have to do, i would really look into solidworks or inventor.
Thanks for the advice, I've got my hands on some decent software now.

so what did you get???

In my engineering classes, we use Solidworks. It is a simple and amazing program designed for what you are trying to do. It works similarily to sketch up but has much more functionality. You design something, then it will automatically creat isometric and side views in a autocad format.

By the way, autoCAD for the most part is not 3d, and what little is 3d is nothing like solidworks or the others. IT is not made for 3d modeling. Autodesk 3d modeling program is called inventor. I've not used it but i hear it is pretty amazing. There are a couple of other autodesk programs for 3d modeling, but i think inventor is what you are looking for.

If you are serious about what you have to do, i would really look into solidworks or inventor.

I love Inventor so much but when it came time to use Solidworks I couldn't get anything done because I learned all the shortcuts in Inventor and they didn't work in Solidworks...

BTW get Inventor
If you want to spend a few grand, buy OneCNC. It's by far the best Cad program out there. My dad has brought two copies of it for his company and it's awesome!!;)
Whoop! Its a awesome and really fun program.

Did you draw your avatar? If so, thats pretty good.
Whoop! Its a awesome and really fun program.
Yeah, I'm just trying to get used to it at the moment, but I'm sure it's more fun when you get good with it. The power of it is very apparent though on first glance.
jasonz said:
Did you draw your avatar? If so, thats pretty good.
No, I wish I had though. :) It's actually a birds-eye 'blueprint' of the BAE harrier II 'jump jet' - I've been quite interested in them recently.

if you don't mind me asking but how much was it???

If I told you, I'd have to kill you. :)