$50 Tablet - Akash


VIP Member
A couple of students in India released a $50 tablet for those people who cannot afford a branded Tablet Computer.(Which can be bought by only the people from higher-middle class and above)
They named it Akash(An Indian name. It means SKY)
This move was necessary since the cheapest iPad is $600 in India.
I think it is a genius idea, and for this price will surely be getting one, and will tryout all sorts of OS mods on it ;)
Yeah! it looks good and has almost all features that are in the branded ones, I am gonna try it if its available.
It could be even used as a good gift ;)
Sounds pretty decent for $50. The article talks about a commercial version vs. the student version. How much would the commercial version cost in $US? This might give the Raspberry PI some competition.
Sounds pretty decent for $50. The article talks about a commercial version vs. the student version. How much would the commercial version cost in $US? This might give the Raspberry PI some competition.

I found a commercial version on ebay.com for 15$. The student version here is for 20$ actually and commercial 50$.
My brother bought recently an 200Euro one. Evolio evotab. It performes. I'm not really impressed by tablets, because i don't see their use as being so important, and i think that the things you can do with a tablet, you can do witha good smartphone. I still think it an awesome idea, because ipads and other professional tablets are overrated as hell.