a good dock


New Member
now iv tried Delldock, object dock, and rocket dock, and all of them dont have what i need

1. i need a dock that can hide flush with the side of the screen (object dock/rocketdock(the bigger one))

2. i need a dock that has tabs that you can open inside the dock and click whats in it (objectdock(this one isnt flush)/delldock)

problem is none of those work, dell dock gets in the way because you can see a few pixels on the top and i use chrome to switching tabs is annoying

rocketdock doesnt have tabs

and object dock either doesnt have tabs, or sticked out too much

so does anyone haveny suggestions on a perfect dock?

p.s. idc if u have to pay, if its good ill get it
The paid version of ObjectDock (called ObjectDock Plus) has the tabs feature and there is a way to hide the tabs so that they're flush with the side of the screen.

Go into the settings of your tabbed dock and select "Positioning" and then uncheck "Tabs always on top". That should do it.
on second thought, it is still a problem, i seem to have to uncheck "always on top" EVERY TIME i turn my computer on, it is unchecked, but it is still on top

and i still think its a hassle that its not flush

i think dell dock is the best iv used so far, is there a way to make it flush, thats the only problem=(