A second Windows account "just appeared"???

Normally there is only one account on my computer. But I see something added a second one. What is it and why is it there? I did a scan for adware / viruses and I removed / fixed everything I found. Look here:


The one marked as system administrator is me. The one named "ASP.net Machine A" is the one that just appeared.


VIP Member
Don't listen to him, lol

I'm not 100% sure what it is, but I know that with all the machines (including my own) that i've worked with recently, have the .ASP account as well.


It's installed by the .NET framework. Don't worry, it doesn't do any harm. You only need it if you are doing programming for .NET. Otherwise you can delete it.


<b>VIP Member</b>
It's installed by the .NET framework. Don't worry, it doesn't do any harm. You only need it if you are doing programming for .NET. Otherwise you can delete it.

Bingo :). And this is why it exist on your machine. I believe if you remove NET framework it should remove itself (not entirely sure on that).