Alienware Why So Expensive?


New Member
Okay this is a very random question thats kinda pointless but why are Alienware base units so much? I know the build quality is good but you can build a computer to the same spec as they are selling there base units for a fraction of the price..


Active Member
Because your average consumer doesn't understand that. Even if they are aware of this, they probably wont trust themselves to build a custom pc. If it malfunctions, who do they call for support?

Plus, a lot of people equate high prices to higher quality.
So, that's pretty much why.


Alienware has some decent prebuilt PC's. You're definitely paying top dollar for the name though.

In almost every situation with prebuilt PC's, you'd be better off building your own and get more bang for your buck.


New Member
That little alien guy on the front is worth about $300. I was in microcenter today and saw an alienware desktop for $1500 with an i7 950 and ati 5770, and 8 GBs of ram. Highway robbery.


VIP Member
All higher end prebuilts cost heaps, regardless of the brand. All above points are valid to at least some extent, but it's also because low-end/average units make up the bulk of all computer sales, so it's possible to sell them at a lower profit margin; because the volume of sales of high-end units is so tiny, they have to sell them at a much larger profit margin to make it a feasible business.