Autologin script?


Staff member
My campus has several secure wireless access points. I have authenticated all of them via my firewall so i have no problems accessing them individually. My question is, is it possible to write some form of script that, upon being disconnected, will automatically attempt to visit the central wireless webpage (which automatically forwards you to the appropriate accesspoint login page) and then automatically log me onto the network?

The login and password is all the same so i guess the only problem would be switching to the central site (or even loading all the individual sites manually) and attempting to login (the interfacesa are all the same, a login and password box each).

The only reason i ask is i wouldnt mind having nonstop streamed music without the hassle of having to manually login when i leave a particular corner of the campus (i dont mind say a 10 second period of disconecction tho)


<b>VIP Member</b>
The script is not a big deal, in fact is a link to the login script from the server with name and password as input parameters. The tricky part is how to automatically detect when a disconnect occurs...


Staff member
Is it possible to say write a script that "reads a text file every 2 seconds or whatnot and if the text file has <disconnected> then to fireup the script?" Cuz i think i can write a quick little app that can note when the system is disconned or not and output to a text file (not neccesarily a text file, other options are avail prolly, just a quick example)


<b>VIP Member</b>
No need to write that file from the app, the app could instead (in case of disconnect) fire-up IE with the link: http://......./login.php?name=.....&password=..... (or something like that).
Or even better the app could access that link directly, without the IE, so no opened IE window would remain on the screen after reconnect.