Battery Backup


New Member
Hello, i currently own a "POWER TREE S650BX". i need some information how to charge the UPS. I have been using it for 2 month with no problem whatsoever, but since two days the battery power is not kicking in after a power failure; the UPS only beeps 3 times, then there is total power off. How should i charge it? should the battery switch at the back be left ON while it's charging or should i turn it off? what about the blue button up front? should i turn it on or turn it off so as it can charge?


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
It charges while it's plugged in. If it's not holding a charge, that means you need to replace the battery.

As for the switch, it should be on all the time. If it's not on, then your PC won't run on battery power when it needs to.
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