black and white photos


formerly liuliuboy
So after watching some videos online with black and white photos, specifically this one:

(yeah yeah I hate Twilight too, but I do like this song),

it go me thinking. Do people think black and white pictures are sentimental because we remember days where there just are black and white photos, or is there something innately about black and white photos that's special?

Will future generations lose feelings for black and white photos because they have never experienced or seen them before when they are still practical?

Maybe people who are more versed in photography can help me out here.



Staff member
I personally like black and whites photos because I feel the black and whites are more atmospheric than colour photos sometimes. Black and white doesn't always work though, for example taking black and white photos of people and sunsets can be a bit weird, but for things likes buildings and landscapes then black and white can work very nicely. Nostalgia may also be another reason why people like B&W too.

If you've seen my photos in the official post your photos thread, you will have noticed that the vast majority of them are black and white.


VIP Member
I like B&W because it looks more "contrast-y". Plus, it helps save a photo if it was shot under poor weather conditions.


A lot of it is merely artistic. That's why many digital cameras have black and white options. Most, if not all, photo software programs allow you to convert color photos to B & W. You can get a lot of contrast and shading effects with black and white that just don't come through that well with color (depending on the subject matter). But for the most part, it's simply for artistic sake. It lends some mood to the picture.


Staff member
jnskyliner34 said:
Plus, it helps save a photo if it was shot under poor weather conditions.
I agree. If you're taking photos outside in the rain like I was the other week at the Mini rally, then the black and white photos always come out better than the colour photos do.

novicegeek said:
Most, if not all, photo software programs allow you to convert color photos to B & W
...all but MS Paint. :D


New Member
From a technical standpoint, black and white allows the viewer to focus more on the subject of the picture, rather than possibly bright, distracting colors. I personally love using black and white, but I don't do it very often.