Can hackers plant stuff on my computer w/o a trace?

Can skilled hackers either put stuff on my computer or say if I go to sleep and leave the computer on can they do things where they leave no trace and it looks like I did them? The reason I am asking is because I've been hit listed and I had some chilling messages alluding to that. At this point it's gotten so big I'm guessing some of the best are available. I won't get into the specifics because the situation is so twilight zone ish that I doubt many would even believe me but suffice to say I have a lot of people who want to see me suffer very badly and they have many means at their disposal and will resort in my opinion to any means.


Staff member
Yes, its possible. Reset your modem, you should get a new IP address. If running behind a router, change your security to wpa if running wep and change the wireless password. Might have to reinstall windows.