Gateway Solo 9300


New Member
Hi, My brother in-law gave me a gateway solo 9399 and i had it charging for three days and it wont power on, the battery says it has only a 25% charge. he told me it didnt work when he gave it to me. Question is do i have to have a fulley charged battery for it to start or should it start with the power supply attached, i was thinking the supply pack is shot . what do you guys think. Iam new with computers so this is a place to start is there any to test the power pack? Thanks


VIP Member
I would think that it would start with only 25% of power, and it should deffinetly start if its plugged in.


New Member
yes it should start with even 10% power. it really sounds like something internal. u should take it apart and make sure everything is hooked up correctly.
btw, geoff, hows that laptop u bought?