"Get On Google" Is that true?


If it sounds too good to be true... it probably is.

Software that helps you develope your site for higher placement on search engines is legal, but I've never heard of an easy way or a cheap way to get it done. I wouldn't give this guy my money if I needed him.


New Member
Scam, scam and scam
I mean, look how unorganised the website is
There is no way that that guy could even do any sort of programming, let alone C/C++ or Visual Basics
Also, look at the way how desperate it is to try and get you the program
Like ZonnieP said, if its too good to be true, it probably is, especially in the world we live in know where banking fraud and scams are so high
It is definately too risky
If you download it, it will probably say in the terms and agreements that you must give it permission to put third party software on your computer, which is almost always unhelpful and damaging


P.I Dragon
LOL, thats solved that ne then, i dont think i would have done it myself if i didnt know of someone else that had done it and still had a bank account left.


There are just sooooo many scams on the net it is a shame. Always do a search on anyone claiming some miracle.


New Member
there is no way to make your site be higher on the list on google except for google to rank your site as a good site with its page rank (pigeon rank... lol). its one of the things google always rants about.


Several years ago I use to copy the "View Source" files and upload them as my page then change the html to my info... leaving much of the other pages info intact but invisible (took out all the images and changed the text color to the background color and shifted it all to the bottom of the page). I usually got ranked first with Yahoo doing this because I'd have a little more info and keywords in the body of my site than the number one site. Sometimes it didn't work because I'd have too much info so I'd have to delete some of the invisible site. Of course that doesn't work today because there's so much different code to build websites with now.

If you are willing to pay enough there are legit companies out there who will help you get ranked high... but no guarantee to being number one.