Have You Seen this Error?


New Member

I'm using a Computer that's in Chinese but that's not the error. When I finish downloadig this thing pops up! Any Solution? Have you seen it before? Any Solutions Are VERY VERY VERY appreciated


<b>VIP Member</b>
Probably you opened instead of downloading a compressed file and there's no WinRAR installed in your system and the pop-up window prompts you for the path to WinRAR.
It would be easier if I could read chinese... :)


New Member
Or its asking u where to extract the files 2. I'll ask around and see if i can find anything out


New Member
i read chinese!! ( haha i am chinese and it is good to be that!)
that is just like what both of them said!!
no file named 'WinRAR' found, you need to extract that file from your comp or cd or whatever specifically!!