Houston, I have a BIG problem


New Member

I ran an application that sent an email without my permission - it went over Norton and the Sygate Firewall. How can I know what was it content? Isn't the information of sent emails saved somewhere in Windows XP?

Please, answer as soon as possible.

Kind regards,



Malware Destroyer
if it uses your email, then you'll see it in your sent items. If it uses it's own SMTP engine (like most mass mailing viruses), then you won't. (And I don't know of a way you can see what was sent in that case)... anyone else with some suggestions?


New Member
No way of knowing what was sent if sent from an SMTP server that you actually don't know. If you know the name of the SMTP server, then there might be some hope if you go contacting the support of the email provider. For example, if the email was sent through the gmail smtp for example, you will have to email Gmail although it will be very difficult that they tell you the content of an email that does not belong to you unless you have very very strong reasons.

To get the smtp server name, you might need to check the sygate logs and watch the port 25 and see what have been sent through this port and where your computer have been connected to through this port during the email sending. I am not sure if you will be able to find this information in the Sygate or not, but I think you will have to try.