How Can I Keep My Roomate Off My Computer?


what you could do is setup a new account and have shutdown.exe in the startup and tell him that he can use that screen and have your screen password protected would be a good prank anybody agree?

Draco Malfoy

New Member
Well first do this:
Start -> Run "net user guest /active:no"
Start -> Run "net user Administrator new_password"

Then install a proxy server with filtering and a software firewall that only allows access via the proxy.


New Member
Kick him in the balls as soon as he walks into your dorm

Then tell him that that will happen every time he uses your computer

problem solved


New Member
for me BIOS is F1. It will say on the boot screen what to press, just in case someone was having trouble.


Never kick a man in the balls. no matter how much of a ****ing jack *** he is. You could be arrested for assault. if you do that, he damn well do it back, and a war of your own will start. ask for a new room mate. problem solved.


New Member
Never kick a man in the balls. no matter how much of a ****ing jack *** he is. You could be arrested for assault. if you do that, he damn well do it back, and a war of your own will start. ask for a new room mate. problem solved.

A little off topic but here's a few things though to think about: 1. You can only get arrested for assault in any situation if they know or can identify you and if they can actually catch you, 2. Especially if they get kicked in the balls, they would have to be 'man' enough (or a complete wuss in other situations.....) to declare it assault and have to describe it to the officials, (Yes, my roommate just kicked me in the balls, can you please go and arrest him now.....?)


New Member
The login screen comes up every time the computer boots and he doesn't have an account on my computer, so how is he able to bypass the login screen. I know he is because I can see the documents he is opening in the Recent Documents section.

I don't want him to get on because he uses it for surfing for online porn and he prints stuff wasting my ink. So I've been thinking of getting a lock for my room, but I was hoping there was a less expensive way to keep him off.

And I don't really want to confront him about this because I don't want to lose my temper and possibly fight him over this. This really pisses me off that he's doing this.

its a simple i can think of in my small brain... Try to delete all the other account that you have in your computer and keep one account protecting it by a passoword.

Draco Malfoy

New Member
To get the username and times of the users logging on and off, click Start-> run and type:

then select security. (This won't work if you are using a limited account.)


VIP Member
if there is one thing I have learned in life is to just be a man and if you have a problem with someone tell them what the problem is. Bottling it up and ignoring it will just make it worse in the end. Once you hit that straw that breaks the camel's back you will end up fighting.

trust me, been there done that