how liekly an External HD fail?


New Member
i have 280GB HD (120GB primary & 160GB secondary) i am sad (in a way) to realise that i have left about 3.29GB in total. so i need a newd HD so i was thinking of an external HD lets about 300GB+. i want to transfer all my 280GB to it and keep it safe.Nnow here is the uncertanity..once i transfered 280GB to an external HD and keep it switched off n use it only when i need (not that often) will my data be safe at all? how likely is it a 300GB+ external HD to fail?


<b>VIP Member</b>
Just to answer the question "How likely an External HD Fail?" :).

Not very likely especialy if you turn it off when it's not in use and as long as it where in good condition in the first place obviously :).. I use a 20gb external, well it's actualy an internal HD slapt into one of those external exclosers but when it's not in use i've got it turned off and I would expect that 20gb 5400rpm drive to last awhile :).