how the internet has changed communication


New Member
For my senior research paper, I wrote about online communication. I discussed the different types, then gave some dangers and benefits. I said that it is good that it has made a place where we can communicate without visual stereotypes and we can easily communicate without the problem of distance. I gave some dangers such as identity theft and child predators and internet addiction. I also discussed whether online relationships are more or less impersonal. I was wondering what other people thought about this topic.


New Member
Online relationships, There's no point you don't know who the person is the can be a child molester, ex con etc., what i am trying to say is there os no point in online relationships youur just gonna get yourself into trouble :(


<b>VIP Member</b>
I don't think internet had changed the way we communicate, it only widened the area in which we can contact another person. But communicating face to face remained the same.