How to move headphone jack to a more convenient location?


New Member
Hello all, this is my first post here, I've had a lot of questions answered in the past by lurking through the threads, but this one I haven't found an answer to...

As the title says, how can I move the headphone jack (which is in the back of my main monitor, kind of annoying and hard to reach every time I want to put on headphones) to a more convenient location (right underneath the bottom edge of the monitor)? I tried an extender but my monitor speaker thinks that there is a headphone plugged in and no sound comes out. Is there a special extender out there that doesn't trigger the monitor's headphone jack?

The actual computer tower doesn't have a front facing headphone jack (I have no idea why not...) so that solution doesn't exist. Please help Computer Forum, you're my only hope...

Thanks for your time and god bless
