How to view unsupported file types


New Member
I recently came across these files that I got from a certain andriod app, I took them out from the andriod file using a file explorer app (I tried to save them using USB, but the file wouldn't allow me to save it to my computer, thats why I had to use a special file explorer app on my phone), and I uploaded them to my Google Drive using my phone. After that, I downloaded them to my computer, and found that they were .nomedia extensions, which I simply changed to .jpg (They are pictures), and then I tried to open them using the generic windows photoviewer, and it said it was unsupported. I tried again with a universal photoview, and same thing happened. Any suggestions?


Staff member
You will need to convert the original file into a jpeg so that program will recognize it. You just can't change the file extension to make it work.