I Think my Asus A7V333 Bit the dust.

I'm about to bid on a used A7N8X. This is for my secondary Lan PC.

Well, heres what happened. My case came, and I through in all my old parts. Radeon 8500, Asus A7V333, 512MB PC333 2700 RAM, ThermalTake Volcano 7+, ETC. 300WATT Deer PSU

Anyways.....It turned on for alittle bit....but it would never POST. as in....the computer would not "beep"...and would not signal.

I through in an Old Athlon.......Same thing. Took out the Ram....Same thing. Replaced the Video card with an old Radeon.....same thing. Through in another PSU.......same thing. Cleared CMOS, Did the battery Trick......and now it wont turn on at all. Everything is hooked up correctly....I've done this 100 Times. This computer does NOT have a floppy.....I am preety sure this isn't a reason to not cause it to post. I've started disconnecting everything inside so its just the basics...still, no avail.

So if its not the PSU, Ram, CPU, Video Card, or Electricals........it must be the Motherboard.........

What's your money on?

Anyways...I suppose it still would be a decent upgrade. The VIA333 To The NForce 2 Chipset. I hear somewhere in the 20% gain.
