Klipsch Promedia Ultra 5.1 Price?


New Member
I am looking to buy the Klipsch Promedia Ultra 5.1 speakers because they are the best speakers..lol, but i can't find them for a cheap price. They cost $400.00 from Klipsch, but i found them for $314.00, but on ebay i can find them as low as $87.00+ (cheaper than $300.00)....does anyone know a cheaper price for these speakers? is ebay a good place to buy speakers like this from?

please reply as soon as possible, because i would like to order these speakers.

thank you


Staff member
Wouldnt the Z680s be a more cost effective choice (without sacrificing any performance)


New Member
Off ebay, just make sure you're aware of what the buyer is charging for shipping. They can really gouge you on something heavy like computer speakers.