Laptop - scratches and "dirt"


New Member

My laptop keeps getting some "dirt" layer on it after using it, where I use my hands... ( I do wash my hands :D ). It is pretty annoying, is there anything to fix that?

When I was trying to get rid of it, I took something too sharp and it scratched the surface of my laptop, is there something to get rid of that scratch, I really don't like it. :(


VIP Member
Well, how long does it take for that dirt to build up? You're going to get some of that residue on the laptop after awhile (months) just because of the natural oil on your hands. Just some normal rubbing alcohol should do the trick, just be careful not to put too much on the cloth you're using so that it doesn't leak into the keyboard, and more importantly, what's underneath...

As for the scratch, I don't know, hopefully someone else will have a suggestion...