LOL Airconditioning for the computer!


Staff member
Not bad at all ... doesnt quite beat the AStek Casecooler but its *significantly* cheaper heehee


New Member
Ok so air conditior wow.. to me its pointless cuase it doesnt cool a specific point so not as effective. 2. Its mad nosiey! 3. pricey 4. Juts out the front of ur case. 5 looks bulky 6. I hate them cuase i was thinking aobut the airconditior in a pc first... Even thoguh never invented it or patented it lol.


Staff member
to me its pointless cuase it doesnt cool a specific point so not as effective.
1. It makes your entire case a massive semi-active cooler
2. It cools ambient
3. Air conditioning for a house or car doesnt cool anything specific but people still like it.... same for heating .... and hmm while we're at it, the sun doesnt provide light for me to read ... does that mean its useless?


Staff member
The way u put it is a good point but look at it this way Sometimes a bird can forget how to fly.
They can? ;)

Regardless ... sometimes ya gotta step back and look at it for the reason its featured (especailly since its FrozenCPU that;s selling it)
The Unit would be more efficient

If It was placed at the bottom of the case. According to natural law, warm air you really arnt doing much by placing this at the top of the case.

Why not make an internal unit anyway.


New Member
Ummm THHHHHHHEEEEEEEEE.... That why u have a fan on top of the case to vent the hot air... but then again whats the point of intake and out take fans if u goon have a ac... Its like having the ac on in the summer with ur windows open


VIP Member
CMON! :p it's an airconditioner in your case....i'm pretty sure it's gonna work like a charm or else they wouldn't of made it

Think about it such a smallish space with such a large thing blowing air :p


VIP Member

It is quite a large thing....considering it's in a case

How is that thing blowing so much air it has the power of less then one fan

But it has two of them, large ones aswell... running at 4600RPM, plus it can increase/decrease in cold differences (Fan and Snow)by a single switch. It changes the speed as the case gets hotter.


Staff member
large? How is that thing blowing so much air it has the power of less then one fan
Size doesnt matter that much ... you can have a fan pushing a lot of normal air around or a smaller fan pushing a lot less air but that air is pre-cooled.