Monitor to TV issue.


New Member
I have a problem I didn't have until I bought a Radeon 9600 pro. I always used to watch video files on my tv using a device called web cable plus, which is mainly a monitor to tv adapter. Well, after I bought my radeon I tried using the tv-out adapter. I don't have S-Video, so I used the connector to be able to use connect by RCA. When I have it working, I get huge blocks of lines going up my TV and it doesn't stop. This problem also happens when I try web cable plus instead of the tv-out. It did stop doing this once (using the web cable plus method), and then it started back again. I have no clue as of why it's doing this.


New Member
Wow, nevermind. I finally fixed the problem by unplugging my vcr cord from the tv. I have it all rigged to my digital cable box, and it seems that was the cause.


<b>VIP Member</b>
Try unplugging it from your vcr and.. O I see you got it.. LOL! i'm j/k Glad to see ya got it fixed so fast and without help I might add :)..