Need Help: Gaming PC Build $600-900


Hello all members of computer I reach out to you hoping for some help with building my first rig. I'm looking to build a gaming computer that I'll be able to upgrade in the future as new games come out.

I don't have a very big budget. Somewhere between $600-$900. I don't need an OS, or a monitor.

I'm not really sure where to start as I'm always reading conflicting things about AMD vs Intel? Which build is the way to go at this time? Is it worth it to get a 2500 i5 vs the 2400s??

I was looking at this build and it's within my budget and looks good to me.

It uses a 2400 rather than a 2500 which I read is much better. Some guidance would be greatly appreciated. I hope I haven't broken any of the forum rules. I apologize If I have.

Thanks in advance,

An eager gamer.

Benny Boy

Active Member
Hi millz.

In that price range, you can do pretty well. Better than your link.
For Intel the 2500k at it's pricepoint is a good way to go.
Try for a Z68 motherboard for the features it has.
A 560Ti or 6950 should fit that budget.